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Graeme Edward's Amazing Osteoarthritis Experience

My mother-in-law's condition was diagnosed as osteoarthritis a year ago, and the usual perscriptions were issued. Although these drugs have given her some relief, her tolerance levels for them has increased. There is also the danger of side effects associated with these types of medicines after long term use. Even with the use of these drugs, her hands would sometimes be quite painful first thing in the morning, so much so as to reduce a proud woman to tears. Simple tasks became difficult at these times.

While searching on the net I came across a site that gave information about arthritis, and chicken cartilage was mentioned. After reading various reports and deciding to obtain a batch for trial, I discovered the Healing with Nutrition site and promptly ordered a three month supply.

At first I wondered if I had done the right thing since my mother didn't seem to be improving. Then I realized that she needed to increase the amount she was taking by an extra capsule. After the fifth week of treatment her condition has improved a lot and for the time being she in enjoying life again.

The next step is a very brave one to take. Should she stop using the prescribed drugs issued by her doctor and rely on the cartilage? Anyone who suffers from any form of arthritis will know that this in not an easy decision to make.

The staff at Healing with Nutrition have been great and very helpful, and I have purchased more chicken cartilage after my mother-in-law requested it. For anyone suffering from this dehabilitating and progressive condition please try this remedy.