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Update: July 2001

ADD Facts and Statistics

... reported to affect from 5-20% of school-age children ... and over 2 million American children (mostly boys) take the drug Ritalin.

This disorder has been reported to affect up to 20% of school-age children, but a conservative 5% figure is more widely accepted since the study that published that figure followed improved diagnostic criteria. Boys show a 10 times higher incidence of ADD/ADHD than do girls. The drug "Ritalin" is the most common medical treatment with over 2 million American children (mostly boys) taking the drug. Although learning disorders and hyperactivity are primarily a problem of childhood, adults can be affected too. An ADD process that continues into adulthood is referred to as "ADD, Residual Type".

The frequency of just "accepting the drug Ritalin as a solution for children" is alarming for the following reasons:

  1. Adults are making a decision and a choice that will affect every day of a child's life. A "choice" for the child to take a drug that has severe adverse reactions associated to it (click here to read excerpt from "Physicians' Desk Reference").
  2. This decision will affect the child each day he is on the drug and possibly even for years after he no longer takes the drug.
  3. Research shows that many children who have taken drugs for ADD/ADHD continually have drug addiction problems with either legal drugs and/or illegal drugs for the remainder of their lives. The reason for this could be that they are convinced they can solve life's problems and difficulties by taking a pill.

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ADD Problems

[Hyperactivity] - [Autism] - [Depression]

Characteristics of ADD cited in order are:

  • hyperactivity

  • impulsiveness (action before thought, abrupt shifts in activity, poor
  • Hyperactivity


    Autism is a little-understood brain disorder that affects approximtely 4 out of every 10,000 people. There are well over 100,000 autistic individuals in the United States. Autism is usually diagnosed in early childhood (before the age of three) and is characterized by a marked unresponsiveness to other people and to the surrounding environment. Physically, autistic individuals do not appear different from others, but they exhibit marked differences in behavior from a very early age. While most babies love to be held and cuddled, autistic infants appear indifferent to love and affection. As they grow older, they fail to form attachments to others in the way most children do, and instead seem to withdraw into themselves. Many autistic children also exhibit unpredictable and unusual behaviors that can range from constant rocking, to pounding their feet while sitting, to sitting for long perods of time in total silence. Some experience bursts of hyperactivity that include biting and pounding on their bodies.

    Autistic children have learning disabilities, and are often mentally disabled. Speech development is usually delayed, and in many cases is absent or limited to nonsensical rhyming or babbling. Some autistic children seem to have lower than normal intelligence, while others seem to fall into the normal range. Still others have low intelligence in most areas but almost supernatural abilities in others, such as mathematics or music. Most develop a strong resistance to any changes in familiar environments or routines.

    The cause of autism is unknown. Studies comparing twins suggest that there may be a hereditary component to this disorder. Some experts believe that it is a result of some neurological imbalance or malfunction that renders the autistic individual painfully oversensitive to external stimuli. It is known that autism is not caused by parental neglect or actions, as was once believed.



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    ADD Prevention and Treatment Strategies

    Our ADD Program will give you additional nutrient and lifestyle information. We also include the Center for Disease Control Framework for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Prevention and Control to help you understand on a large scale what the government is doing.

    You can also seek a professional who specializes in treating people with attention deficit disorders through one of the following groups:

    Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
    PO Box 972
    Mentor, OH 44061

    Children With Attention-Deficit Disorders (CHADD)
    499 Northwest 70th Avenue
    Suite 101
    Plantation, FL 33317

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    Related Links

    Site with multiple links to sources on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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