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Modern-day Causes of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies


Unless you grow your own fruits and vegetables and eat them raw the same day you pick them, you're not getting what nature intended.

Although they look great and taste fresh you just don't know what's in there.

#1) Bad Eating Habits -- According to Professor Gladys Block at U.C. Berkeley, "Only 9% of the population eats the recommended five servings of fruit and vegetables daily."

#2) Cooking and Food Preparation -- Most people don't like their food raw, so they cook it. Did you know that 20 to 50% of vitamins are destroyed in the cooking process?
   • Thiamine ... 20%-45%                  • Niacin ... 20%-40%
   • Riboflavin ... 20%-40%                • Vitamin C ... 25%-50%
   --from "Diet & Disease", E. Cheraskin M.D., D.M.D. et al, 1977

#3) Transport & Storage -- Dr. Michael Colgan tested oranges that had been picked the same day, and their vitamin C content was 180 mg. He then tested oranges from the same grower which had been in storage at a local supermarket. They looked and tasted the same, but the vitamin C content had dropped to zero. How much vitamin C is in your orange?    --from "Your Personal Vitamin Profile", Dr. Michael Colgan, 1982


Lacking vitamins, the body can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless!

#1) Soil Depletion -- As far back as 1936, United States Senate Document #264 warned Americans that the soils used to grow fruits and vegetables were seriously deficient in needed minerals. Continuous cropping; fertilization with only nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium; soil erosion; and other factors have decreased the minerals in our topsoil. World soil studies show that American soils are the worst in the world for mineral content. This isn't surprising since we have been feeding a large portion of the world for many years. We are now growing large amounts of food that in many cases are lacking some of the basic minerals needed to sustain life. Lacking vitamins, the body can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless!

#2) Food Processing-- Food processing also has a huge impact on mineral depletion. Here's a chart of some of the minerals lost when they refine flour. Notice that anywhere from 16% to 98% of the original mineral content is lost from wheat that already contains deficient mineral content. cooking process?
• Calcium       60%
• Chromium    98%
• Cobalt       88.5%
• Copper      67.8%
• Iron             75.6%
• Magnesium   84.7%
• Manganese   85.8%
• Molybdenum   48%
• Phosphorus  70.9%
• Potassium     77%
• Selenium     15.9%
• Zinc            77.7%

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