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Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Facts, Disease Prevention and Treatment Strategies

Update: July 1999

Research In Progress but not yet posted on the web site. Please call 1-800-943-1123 for additional information.

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease Facts and Statistics

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

One of the reasons that c

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease Prevention and Treatment Strategies

Effective help is available now for people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The traditional approach is medications and physical therapy, but now a massive amount of nutrient research validates the effect diet and supplements can have for the body to heal. Lifestyle changes can also make a big difference.

Our Personal Framework for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Prevention and Control will give you this nutrient association information as well as other helpful lifestyles changes for managing the disease. We also include the Center for Disease Control Framework for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Prevention and Control to help you understand on a large scale what the government is doing.

"Proctitus quote"


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