I LOST 28 lbs. I'd like to share my personal story with you on the fantastic new Slim-Slim products. I am 54 years old and like millions of Americans I had gradually gained weight over the past 30 years. I didn't realize how unattractive I had become until my wife snapped a surprise picture of me in my sweats one evening. I was unaware that she had an ulterior motive at the time she took the picture. A few days later she handed me the picture at the supper table. "Do I look that BAD?" I said. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and boy is this true. So I decided to try the Slim- Slim Weight Management Program which Soaring Eagle had recently released. I followed the information in the booklet and took the test to see what category I fell into. I quickly found out that I was carbohydrate intolerant. Armed with this information I read the rest of the book and felt fully prepared to get started. I followed the dietary instructions, which were extremely easy to follow and lost 28 pounds in less than 90 days. The best part was that I ate anytime I felt hungry, making sure to keep my carbohydrate intake down (because of my carbohydrate intolerance). I have gone from a 36 inch waist to the 32 inch waist I had back in 1963. I had a really big belly that has disappeared. If you or anyone you know is looking for a weight loss program that really works and is easy to follow try the Slim-Slim program. IT WORKS. --Curt Newby I have lost 7 pounds in one week with the Slim-Slim Program. I have NEVER lost 7 pounds in a week! --Karen Woodworth Test for Calorie Sensitivity